Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Families in Fall are Fun for Fotos

For the past 7 years, I have been taking pictures of J & S's adorable kids. Each year brings new attitude, clothing and evolving smiles. There is one thing I can bank on every year - "you never know what you're going to get". It was lots of fun and all happened so fast.

Here are some pics from the shoot.
I am not quite sure what is running through his mind... Looks like destruction!

He is getting soo big soo fast. Last year this little guy cried at the sight of my camera .

I think he was contemplating how funny the imaginary squirrel was that sat on the front of my camera.
She had been practicing for this shoot. She has some "high fashion" poses.
Too much fun! They're still picking the leaves out of their clothes!


Stephanie said...

The pics are adorable. Thanks for sharing your time and talent with us! We love you and Whit.

joelle said...

ok adorable! the first pic is my favorite. So stinkin cute. and it inspires me to keep practicing with my camera!

B and D said...

Update already!!!