Monday, September 5, 2011

Time for some Ketchup Pt.1

Where to begin... With so many changes over the course of the past month, I'm not quite sure where to start or how I will find enough time to finish. I guess I'll start with our move.

Whitney and I had decided that after my graduation we would jump ship and head towards Whit's old stomping grounds, AZ. After months and months of trying to secure a place to live (with a fluffy dog) and a source of income (darn recession), our attempts were dashed and we decided it was probably a sign. Whit grabbed a newspaper and booked us a walk through the next day in Idaho Falls to lease an adorable house built in the 1950's. The walk through lasted a total of 2.5 minutes. We saw the blue tub in the bathroom, the water fountain in the fenced in backyard, and a little house in need of some TLC. Unfortunately the current tenants had broken their agreement and were smoking in the house. For Whitney and I both, that was a huge turnoff. But for some reason, when we sat back in the car, we both agreed that we loved it. And that's how all the fun began!

Our flower beds are undergoing roundup shock therapy.

Here is our living room.

This built-in turned out really cool with our Chinese Decor
Our shower curtain is actually a pair of drapes.
We wanted it to extend from the ceiling to the floor to make the room feel bigger.
Fall is our favorite.
I love how Fox will patiently wait for his mom to come home.

The move was so much easier than anticipated with all the help of some of our family. Bree probably worked harder than Whit and I combined in the actual moving of the boxes and bags on move day. And another shout out to Bree for driving up to Rexburg and helping us clean our old apartment the day after the move. We got our entire deposit back! Seriously, thanks again for your help Bree! And also thanks to everyone for giving up their Friday and subsequent days to help us transition to Idaho Falls. We could not have done it alone.

Since then we've been unpacking, cleaning, painting and decorating. Our landlords are great. They allow us to use so much from each of our monthly payments to put towards upgrades or fixes we want to make to the house. We have spent so much time trying to work over the yard and make the backyard look great. We've redone the bathroom and are working on texturizing and painting the kitchen. I've also spent a lot of time at thrift stores for pieces to refinish. So far, I've refinished a cool dresser to for my clothes, and bought a coffee table to work on when I finish getting the house put together.

We love our new ward! We were seriously greeted by almost every person in the ward on our first Sunday. Such a change from our last ward in Rexburg. We had asked three times for callings there and not once did we have an interview with the bishop or receive a calling. It was really disheartening for us. But here, I know we're going to have four callings asap. The ward is smaller, so there is lots to do. Everyone was so nice and genuine. Whitney said that if everyone had a greeting in their ward the way that we did that there would be no less active or inactive people. And I agreed, in the beginning it seems that so much emphasis is placed on how you were treated instead of the message that you received in a new ward. What a wonderful blessing to be spiritually fed and be welcomed whole-heartedly.

Other exciting news for me is that I interviewed for the internship that I wanted and landed the internship! I had to meet with the marketing manager and the CEO before they would bring me on board. I will be interning with the Snake River Landing and Ball Ventures in Idaho Falls. They are venture capitalists that are responsible for a large land development on the west side of Idaho Falls. I will work with the marketing manager to create advertisements, plan events, and help grow awareness of the development to potential clients. I am really excited since this is that internship I wanted. I had cold called them about an internship for the Fall and luckily everything just fell into place. I start the day after labor day and will be there through December.


B and D said...

Congrats on your new house! Way to Go!
It looks perfect and a big yard for Fox!
What a Fun way to start the second year of your Eternal marriage!!
How nice to be part of a nice friendly ward,,,
after years and years of college wards..

Love You!

James & Amy Anderson Family said...

Cute house! Congrats on your internship!

PeggyJean said...

Oh my gosh your house is sooo adorable! I love it! I would kill for a house instead of an apartment! Miss you Whit!