Imagine a free weekend... Hard to believe I know, but it actually happened. Whitney and I loaded up and hit the road for Utah. Fox had requested a sleepover with Grandma Jan and thankfully she was willing. The trip was a quick one. Whit and I had just received new calling in our ward the Tuesday before so we had to be back for church on Sunday to stand and be sustained.
Our first stop (besides the gas station for our soda refill) was taipan. We had a fun time looking through EVERYTHING in the store. We found some cute Halloween decor and got lots of ideas for fun things to do at home.
Next was IKEA. It's probably a good thing that it's so far away; we'd probably spend our free time on the weekends checking out all the goodies that place has to offer. We purchased a new coffee table that matches our television stand and covers a lot of our hardwood floors. We also found some fun kitchen bowls and gadgets. Chocolate also found its way into our cart.... don't know how that happened.
To Grandma's house we go. As we pulled up to Grandma's house around 8:30pm she was waiting for us in her mu-mu, standing in the driveway to tell us we couldn't park in the street. We hugged and talked for a couple of hours and then it was time for her to study before going to bed. Whit and I slept on a full size bed for the first time since our honeymoon. I don't think I ever really fell asleep, I was so worried about whether or not I would fall off the bed and smack myself on the dresser.
The next morning we went to a house for Grandma to pick out some hand-painted ceramics from her late teacher. Next to a farmer's market in Murray, where we found lush peaches, delicious bread, and deep purple eggplant. That's right, eggplant. Upon checking out the eggplants I was invited to cook dinner, eggplant parmesan, for the fam. It turned out to be a good experience. I hope everyone liked it as much as I did. Throughout the course of the day: Whit and I replaced grandma's old printer with a new one from Walmart, picked out artwork, prepared a handout for the Daughters of Utah Pioneers meeting that grandma will be teaching, picked through a bunch of old tools and goods in the garage that grandma wants to through out (that Paul freaked out over), and topped it all off with the General Relief Society Meeting for Whit and a last run to Taipan for me. Goodbyes were then said and we hit the road for Idaho.
We had such a good time with Grandma, Paul, Susan, and Al. It was so much fun to see them and spend time with them even though it flew by too quickly. Hopefully Utah will invite us to visit again soon!
1 comment:
Fun! This post makes me want to go to Ikea and a farmers market!!
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