Thursday, November 17, 2011

A Few of Our Favorite Things

'Tis the holiday season again! YAY! It happens so fast! Last year I did a post about our favorite things and I thought I would do another list of the things Jordan and I love right now!

REVENGE- This is the best new show in my opinion. We had a marathon when mom was up here visiting and we have been addicted ever since!

Glee Christmas CD- Um, one of the best Christmas concoctions ever.. Jordan said we couldn't listen until after Thanksgiving but I turned it on and we had a dance party in our kitchen.. Ok I did while Foxy and Jordan laughed.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2.. we bought it and already watched it twice. and the extras.. Loves it!

Fox- he is so cute.. and fluffy. and cute. and spoiled. We love that little trouble maker!

I have also been obsessed with canning and cooking and WORKING and pinterest and my sweet, cute hubby..

Jordan has been busy doing design and advertising for all kinds of random places and people, taking pictures, fixing my car :( and interviewing for jobs and making me one happy, lucky girl.

Bring on the Holidays because that means family! and deocrations! and being thankful! and remembering Christ!


Peggy Jean said...

Whit your so cute! I can't believe you know how to do your own canning.. your a super wife! I really want the glee christmas cd now!

joelle said...

I love this whole post. and I love that I get to see you in 10 days!

Razalmadazzle said...

You are lame, my favorites are: Hard core Punk Rock, which will kick your Glee in the face. Movies that don't have little kids in them. And history shows about Nazis. Oh and I like that show New Girl. Also I have a pet Velociraptor that would most likely eat your Fox. And we are going to have a Band Of Brothers marathon when you get down here, because people get shot in it.