Monday, January 16, 2012

Who Baptizes their Dog?

Okay, so it was more like a self christening.

Last Saturday we decided to join some of the family to go ice fishing at Ryder Park in Idaho Falls. Saturday is one of the only days Whit and I get to spend together, so we decided to bring the whole family and packed up our fluffy chihuahua (as our niece Kennidee calls him). We gathered our coats and gloves and made sure to put fox in one of his 3 coats. We loaded up and hit the ice!

When we arrived Josh had already pulled several banana trout out of the lake and Whit was itching to go get her fishing license. Unfortunately she had left her wallet home so she didn't have any ID. So she told me to go get mine and get her a soda (She is such a good compromisor). She also told me to take Fox with me. He was having a lot of fun on the ice; rolling around on the ice, harassing the dead fish and scampering through the snow. While walking back to the car, he headed to the opening of the inlet for the lake for a drink of water. I wasn't really watching him because he was on a leash and I was watching my footing so as not to slip.

Next thing I heard a CRUNCH, and sure enough it was Fox. He was concerned for his salvation and decided immersion was the best plan. Luckily the water wasn't too deep in that spot. He was able to jump right out and I gave him a good jerk to get him quickly away from the remaining thin ice in the area. Out little braniac immediately started rolling around on the ice and tried to shake some of the water off. No one had seen him go under so I had to holler at Whit, "Fun's over, we've gotta pack up... Fox went for a dip".

Luckily I always have a spare blanket or two in my car. We wrapped him up and turned the car heater on full blast. Ice crystals had formed all over his coat and he was violently shivering the whole ride home.

Fox loves a good blow dry. It didn't take him long to thaw out and get right back to playing with his favorite toys.

Glad he's now saved...


The Wigginton Family said...

SO hilarious! That dog of yours sure is cute. I bet Fox would love to spend a little time in some California sunshine. hint hint hint. Love you Whiters!

J]-[ said...

I'm glad I wasn't there, I would've screamed so loud the remaining ice would've shattered!