Saturday, July 14, 2012

Backyard Party

Getting together as a family is a lot of fun, provided you have a nice backyard like my brother to accommodate all the fun things we like to do as a family. These are some of the photos I snapped while enjoying the company of our loved ones.

Logan is so cute.

This picture is hilarious. I am not sure if he thought he was going to get hit by the ball, or what.

All the kiddos. So cute. They had such a ball jumping on the tramp while we were bbq'ing.

Grandma even took a couple swings at the ball. It looks painfull, doesn't it?

The whole gang.

Kate was such a doll. She gave me a huge hug before she left.

Cole is such a stud.

Kate loved the potato salad.

Swing, batter, batter....

Kenni caught in action.

Sydney loved our dog. She couldn't get enough of him.
We had such a fun time! Amy come again soon with your cute family, and thanks Josh and Bree for the fun time.

1 comment:

karri said...

Aren't family get togethers the best!