Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Relay for Life

Most of jordan and I's free time lately is spent working on Relay for Life! Our conversations at night are discussing what could be done better or the things we need to do.. We spend our date nights building things for better presentations and Saturdays spent doing everything but begging on our hands and knees, to try to get people to buy homemade crafts and goodies! Everything we have been working on culminates on July 12. A whole years worth of work! And then.. The next day.. It starts over! Ha.
It has been a good experience. I am passionate about it. Lets be real.. Cancer sucks! i don't want any of my kids or family or friends or my hubby to hear that they have cancer! 
I am grateful to Jordan who's been volunteering with them since he was 16ish. If I am honest, it's really what brought us together for good and sealed the deal between the two of us in my mind.. Now, after 10-11 years, they've asked him to be the co-chair. Meaning in another year, he will be the Event Chair. In other words, he's kind of a big deal.. As if  I haven't known that all along though right?! Duh! 
Here are a few of our relay pics! And if you want to join in the fight against cancer, go to relayforlife.org and you can find the event closest to you :)


Karen Whyte said...

You guys are awesome!!! I could learn a thing a two from you two about being more selfless.

joelle said...

Love your table setup! agreed (above)