Friday, December 30, 2011


Thanksgiving this year was in Arizona! We opted to drive instead of fly this year. On the trip down and back we told each other several times that we would not be driving that far again. We took Fox with us for his first official road trip. He enjoyed most of the ride in the back window basking in the sun. :) He loved meeting his cousin dogs and eating their food and struttin his stuff for them..

This year was the first year I have been home for Thanksgiving since I was 19. So I was excited to say the least. We drove in and stayed with Bryan and Kris. They took us to the most divine, all you can eat, sushi and crab leg buffet EVER.  It was our first double date and we just love being with them. We laughed a lot as kris stuffed macaroons in her purse ;) haha.

The next day we got ready for the big dinner! Kris slaved away in the kitchen making it look like nothing, mom and Cenita made the table look gorgeous and I baked pies. Bryan cooked, HANDS DOWN, the best fried turkey we have EVER eaten..  Here are some pictures:


It was so fun to be with family.. Bryan has been into making longboards lately.. They are AWESOME. Check the out here. Him and Kaleb taught us how to board..  Jordan and I are obsessed and saving our money to get a couple. We went to Tempe Town Lake and cruized around. I realized that a place that is crowded with people is not the best place to practice.. I was learning almost at the expense of peoples ankles :)
We also played lots of games, went to movies, IKEA, more black Friday shopping, and then, on the last day, we started a huge project.. ha, ok i volunteered Jordan to gel stain all my moms cabinets. I had NO idea how much work it would be and so we stayed busy for the next 10 hours.. haha BUT it looked so so good.

 After: (There are also silver handles on them now but I don't have a picture of that)

So many things to be thankful for this year! Best Thanksgiving!


B and D said...

Oh ya, thanks again for all the work on my cabinets. They do look fabulous and I have received so many compliments on how nice they are. Kris thought I got new cabinets when she came over for Christmas! Really changed the look of the kitchen! You guys are awesome!!

joelle said...

ok your pies look amazing and those cabinets are so cool! I'm glad you posted a pic! and what cute little oreo turkeys! So creative :)